Utpal Dutt And Shobha Sen

Utpal Dutt And Shobha Sen

During the end of 1940s, Shobha Sen had bought 10 cottahs of land in Azadgarh. Initially, the plot lay vacant. Fearing that it might get usurped, work began on a small construction. Gradually, things progressed according to the finances at her disposal. When Babla became a hit, MP Studio's Muralidhar Chattopadhyay handed over a sum of money for building the roof of the house. Utpal Dutt had still not come into Shobha Sen's life. Utpal-Shobha's first address post marriage was on Shamsul Huda Road. Azadgarh's house became their home later on. By then, this house had two floors. It also got a name. That was Utpal's hit play, Kallol.
